Most people enjoy a good scare from time to time. That’s why we subject ourselves to haunted houses, roller coasters, and skydiving. We enjoy the thrill of it. However, one thing that shouldn’t be so scary is digital marketing, yet some business owners find it very intimidating. The digital world is full of marketing terms and acronyms like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), CPI (Cost Per Impression), and CTR (Click Through Rate) that may seem overwhelming.
But do you want to know what’s even more terrifying?...
Falling behind when it comes to maintaining a strong and impressive digital presence. Sorry to break it to you, but if you don't have a digital presence today, you don’t exist. Plain and simple. These scary digital marketing statistics will show you how fast the online world is changing and how the digital landscape is influencing how we market your business.
1. Seventy-five (75) percent of people never scroll past the first page of search engines.
That means you can’t afford to be ranking on the second, third, or fourth page. A good SEO strategy has the power to optimize your website and increase your chances of being found online.
2. The average conversion rate for websites using video is 4.8 percent, compared to 2.9 percent for websites that do not use video.
Not having a video on your site puts you at a serious disadvantage compared to your competitors. If you don’t have one already, it’s time to update your website.
3. Three million advertisers are using Facebook to reach their customers, which translates to about 93 percent of all total marketers.
Platforms like Facebook make it simple to create an ad and target specific users based on demographics, interests, and behavior. It’s one of the easiest ways to reach your audience.
4. Emails that are not optimized for mobile devices get deleted by 80.3 percent of users, and 3 out of 10 unsubscribe from an email list when emails are not optimized for mobile.
Emails are primarily read on smartphones, not desktops. That means it’s important to tailor your company newsletters and emails to be more mobile-friendly.
5. Bounce rates increase by 50 percent if your website takes two extra seconds to load
That’s not a lot of time, which means you have to make sure your web pages are optimized for speed and are not driving potential consumers away due to a slow site.
Don’t let these digital marketing statistics scare you. The data can provide useful direction on how to approach your digital marketing campaign for the rest of 2019 and well into the new year. Want to transform your online presence? Fill out the form below or call us at 312-684-7200 to get started!