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How To Humanize Your Brand and Connect With Customers

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, famously said…

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”


So, what do you think consumers say about your business when you’re not around? Would the comments be rave reviews or disgruntled complaints? The sad truth is that in this day and age, the consumer-brand trust is almost non-existent. People don’t trust brands. Period. You have to earn people’s trust.

DS&P Humanize Your Brand Handshake

The solution to this is to connect with consumers on a human level. People are looking for a personal connection with a brand or business. You simply can’t buy your way into people’s homes anymore. It takes time and effort to build trust. Especially if you want the consumer to have a long-term relationship with your business. So how do you get them to trust your brand?

Make Your Customers A Priority

A happy customer equals a happy bottom line. Figuring out what your customers want, and then showing them that you care and appreciate them will go along way. Send out thank you cards, give out free swag, shout-out your best customers. Anything that makes them feel valued will convert consumers into lifelong fans.

DS&P Customer Thanks

Brands Are People Too

People often view companies as faceless empty shells. Engage with your customers on social media, support or sponsor local events and organizations in the community, share personal stories. Let people see the human side of your business. The more you participate in their day-to-day lives, the more trustworthy you become to them.

Need help building your fan base? DS&P specializes in customer-driven content marketing that is not only personalized for your target audience, but also aids in humanizing your brand to potential and existing customers. Reach out today about our many different branding solutions!

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